seriously I’m not even sure why I’m making a post today, I guess habit? Because I have nothing new to post about today!
This weekend was hard. I don’t like going into personal life stuff online too much, so I’m struggling with how much I want to post here. Basically the weekend of Dragoncon 2 things happened; first, Chase’s mother was taken to the ER with pneumonia, and second, we had a death in our family. Chase’s mom got worse to the point where, Friday morning, he ended up buying a last minute plane ticket to go home and see her. So he was gone Friday-Sunday, while I stayed home to attend to the funeral on Saturday. The funeral was really hard, especially without having Chase there. But thankfully Chase’s mom improved over the weekend.
So for the past week I have consoled myself by eating cake and playing FF7 in a blanket fort in my sewing room.

Let’s see if I can remember what I named everybody…
Cloud – Hurlbutt (inspired by the latest LPOTL episode)
Barret – Bread
Tifa – Pepe (as in, Pepe the King Prawn but all that wouldn’t fit)
Aeris – Buttpain
Red13 – KatyPerry
Yuffie – Toenail
Vincent – Stuart
Cait Sith – Ed Gein
Cid – RuPaul
I also got Chase to start an FF7 came yesterday. So far in his game, Cloud is CLAUDE (all caps), Barret is Barretz, and Tifa is Tunk.
Mom was in a play this weekend and needed a prop painted – she bought a pair of white knock off converse and I painted them:

Her play was one of a series of 11 short (10 minute) plays all revolving around the prompt “The Gift of Pride”. We went to see the play Saturday night, and were only able to stay til intermission… we were all just so tired after crying most of the morning.
Friday night with Chase out of town I decided I didn’t want to be home alone so I grabbed Kevin and he and I picked up Red Robin for dinner.

And watched Aladdin when we got home. And he tried on the Black Panther mask Chase 3d printed:

After the funeral Sat morning, we went and got pizza at Crosstown.

Some random stuff…

The pins I got at Dcon

The Death Star plans I got at Dcon LOL

I wanted these giant scissors at Spirit Halloween just to hang on the wall of my sewing room.
Also our Spirit Halloween opened in the husk of the old Hancock Fabrics which was traumatizing.
And finally a moment of zen at Petsmart…

kitty cuddle puddle
In other news, the website is all updated, new costumes added. Now post-dcon projects are:
1. Costume for my birthday party next weekend – just a silly thing
2. Get back on my Belle costume I put aside. I’ve kinda got to wrap my mind around it again because I totally got off track from it. My bum roll and underskirt are pretty much done – although I may need to take up the skirt again. It was too big back in May when I made it and I’ve lost weight since then so I may have to take it up more.
I know I need to dye my cotton. And then figure out my stripes. Maybe I can finish this for MCFC.
3. And then… start figuring out Loyalist Committee Padme. YIKES
Even though ever fiber of my being wants to make Liberty Dies instead. I HAVE THE FABRIC FOR LOYALIST WE ARE DOING THIS.
4. Also Boushh rebuild I’ve put off for 2 years.